The Arsenal Files 3
The Arsenal Files 3.iso
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█████ PCBoard Support
█████ Path: \PCBOARD
| PCBOARD 15.x Fully Functional Uncrippled
| Shareware Excellent Color Graphics display!
| Configurable to display your BBS name Zip
| contains over 1000 quotes Use as is or add
1K-NNET.ZIP [0] Information packet on NIGHTNet! 10/94 A
| friendly International E-Mail network. Come
| grow with us! Easy to join and no fees. Read
| about us in "Sysop News"!
2TSHOP14.ZIP [0] 2TSHOP v1.4 - a conversion program written
| specifically for the TeleShoppe(tm) online
| shopping door. 2TSHOP will convert your
| over to the TeleShoppe 2.13 format and allow
| you to put literally thousands of items
| online instantly!. Now uses MAJORCAT fields!
| This is compatible with version TeleShoppe
| 2.13+, Supports Merisels latest database.
4CN0994B.ZIP [0] 4ColorNet Info. Packet 09/94....... 4ColorNet
| is the hottest and fastest growing echo-mail
| network devoted to the hobby of comic
| collecting. If you love comic books or any
| related subject, this net is for you!
| *NOTE!!!* This archive contains a TOTAL
| re-write of the previous guidelines and some
| files. Please delete or ignore any earlier
| files.
4CNCBN_2.ZIP [0] CBN/4CN Info. Packet 12/94....... The two
| best comic-related mail nets have merged into
| one LARGE network! 4ColorNet and the
| ComicBook Net have pooled their resources to
| create the largest comic-related net around!
| Over 50 participating BBSes, both .QWK and
| FIDO-style transfers are available. Download
| and become a part of the excitement today!
ACCNET50.ZIP [0] AccessNet Friendly netmail, in a class by
| itself Established April, 1991 PostLink
| software is used exclusively
ACD-AP10.ZIP [0] Acidic Presents - ASWPacker v1.07 - [REN]
| Remove all non-existant and deleted user
| entries in your .ASW files. By: Mercury
ACD-CUI1.ZIP [0] Acidic Presents - CUIE v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE By
| Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W'
| Command Replacement In The Scene To Date.
| [Physical Solution]
ACD-LOG1.ZIP [0] ACiDic Logon v1.0 - [PCB]
ACFN0195.ZIP [0] American Christian Family Network information
| This network is a support and information net
| everyone with a Christian theme directed at t
| American Family and is carried by "G" rated s
| There are several echo areas and the network
| steadily. Echo areas are added as the intere
| and open to all interested people. There are
| organization, denominational, or church affil
| ACFNet is now blended with NET-12 from the Im
| area in Southern California.
ADBOARD1.ZIP [0] AdBoard.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
| Services. Displays ads for your callers and
| works in conjunction with ONELINE.PPE to give
| your BBS a full featured advertising system
| ala Prodigy. Works on PCBoard v 15.1 or
| higher. Fully functional...not crippled, no
| beg screens or time delays.
ADDMK102.ZIP [0] ADDRESS MAKER 1.02 By RifWare. A Utility Door
| for PCBoard systems only using the Internet
| E-Mail utilities UUIN and UUOUT, by Clark
| Development, for allowing users to set up
| Internet E-Mail aliases without you having to
| go through and edit the ALIAS.XXX files.
| Allows for up to 10 incoming (SysOp
| Definable), and 1 outgoing alias per user.
| Also shows users their default address.
| Registration is FREE with an E-Mail message
ADDTY1B7.ZIP [0] ADDTODAY v1.007 - adds new BBS files daily!
| Add new file descriptions to your PCBoard or
| other BBS each day. Select random based on
| today's "day of month", minimum, maximum, or
| fixed number. Added file description dates
| are changed to the current date. Optionally
| execute a batch file on each added file name
| such as moving it to a different directory. A
| file list management utility designed for
| busy sysops! From HAL SoftWare (12-05-94).
ADPRMT16.ZIP [0] [PPE] ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.6 This PPE will allow
| you to show advertisments, directions or just
| about anything you can think of at your menu
| prompts. This is a PCBTEXT replacement for
| #396. Have fun. Updated options, take a look!
AFN1294.ZIP [0] Agape Family Network Info Packet 12/94
| Christian and Family Oriented AFN is a
| Christian message network that has heavy
| family orientation. We are denominationally
| blind which is a gentle way of saying that we
| do not support one denomination over another.
| We are friendly and helpful. We'd love to
| have you call one of our hubs and check us
AGSJN10.ZIP [0] "J" Replacement for PCBoard Provide a
| fullscreen conference selection - totally
| customizable
AM_NET11.ZIP [0] AM_Net! (QWK) WE NOW SUPPORT 28.8K v.FC 11/
| "America's Local BBS Network" created to allo
| smaller BBS's to NETWORK their local conferen
| In addition AM_Net! is the ideal place to g
| started in the world of QWK/REP network EchoM
| Complete assistance in getting up and running
| available to beginers. Call us NOW and become
| part of this new and unique network! Now v.FA
| support.. Hayes OPTIMA 28800 v.FC (714) 523-9
APAGE.ZIP [0] This is a DIFFERENT way to have your USERS
| page you. It makes DIFFERENT sounds and
| COLORS. This is *FREE*. ONLY FOR PCBoard by
| Andrew Lazarus of the INTERLINE
AREAS022.ZIP [0] The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.22B
| Support!
ASN0195.ZIP [0] ))))))) American Sportsman Network ((((((( A
| brand new .QWK based message network aimed at
| those of us who enjoy hunting and fishing. We
| have 25 conferences to start and will add
| more as the need arises. QWK packets lets you
| select the software that works best with your
| BBS. This file contains a conference list as
| well as our Node list. Come be one of the
| first to join we need both hubs and nodes.
ATAG.ZIP [0] A PPE that will allow you to insert a tagline
| into any PCBoard message, while still in the
| editor! Lets you see what the tagline is
| before it gets inserted. Random selection.
| Very nice! By Andrew Lazarus SHAREWARE!
AUSURE20.ZIP [0] AREUSURE [PPE] Version 2.00 Prompts user if
| he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the
| message in the conference he/she is currently
| in. Very good for boards with beginner users
| or people who just don't pay attention. <G>
| Requires PCBoard 15.2 or higher. Fixes new
| problem with long conference names and adds a
| few new features
AUTOP2_0.ZIP [0] - AUTOPLUS 2.0 Automessage Utility by Kyle
| Eli. Great little util that gets quite a bit
| of attention from the users. Make new
| messages or reply to a previous one. Easy to
| use interface. The source IS included!
BCMX122.ZIP [0] PCB 15.2+ Matrix PPE v1.22 Configurable,
| lightbar or dos mode, full logging features,
| external feedback/nuv/ infoform/page/sysop
| PPEs, multinode aware and more. This version
| adds several fixes, full lightbar prompts,
| nuv enhancements among others. BlackCat
BCNUK076.ZIP [0] PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.76 Yes, it's me again
| with another lightbar driven full featured
| fast nuker/awarder/ commenter etc. If you're
| tired of waiting minutes when nuking/awarding
| files grab this! Added a FAST turbo nuking
| option. BlackCat
BCQT03.ZIP [0] PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2 Pcboard quoter,
| uses pplc 3.0 for easier and seamless
| integration. BlackCat
BDAY_11.ZIP [0] Birthday Greetings PPE - Ver. 1.0. Gives your
| users a birthday and a belated birthday
| greeting. Also gives your users extra time as
| a "birthday present" if you desire!
BGPCBV16.ZIP [0] Here's version 1.6 of the bulletin file or
| door menu genrator for PCBOARD. It fixes the
| screen output and adds color screen for
| folks. Throw away version 1.5 and enjoy this
| one!!! Free and great.
BIRTH130.ZIP [0] The Birth Date Utility v1.30 - PPE v3.00 You
| can now prompt for your users' birth- date
| information with PCBoard. Using this program
| as a prompt replacement, new user program, or
| an executed text command. Now includes
| "Today's Birthdays" EXE bulletin generator.
| Provides a slash (/) for the
BLAB_045.ZIP [0] BOOMLAB v0.45 by BOOMER - 12/29/94 Complete
| Upload Processor for PcBoard. Automated PPE
| to handle failed files Age test archive 5
| different ways. Run multiple virus scanners
| Use macros to add stats to desc, customize
| ZIP comment, etc... ZAP BBS adds by filename
| or CRC value Strip unwanted text from DIZ's
| Now partially works with all BBS's (Forum)
BLASPAG.ZIP [0] Blaster PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard 15.X
| Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
BLT200.ZIP [0] BLT.PPE Version 2.00 (BETA). BLT.PPE is a
| Bulletin feature. Check it out! ShareWare
| $10.00
BMS100.ZIP [0] <- Bulletin Menu System v1.00 - ArcticSoft ->
| ver1.00/PCB 15.2 Enhance your PCBoard
| bulletin area! Neat- ly organize all those
| bulletins/make your bulletin area stylish
| with BMS: Enhanced ANSI High-Light bar,
| Unlimited Submenus, Conference Configurable,
| "New Bulletin"
BMS10GER.ZIP [0] <- German Language (BMSTEXT.GER) BMS v1.00 ->
| ver1.00/PCB 15.2 Packed in this archive is
| the German ver- sion of BMSTEXT (BMSTEXT.GER)
| used with the Bulletin Menu System v1.00 -
| One File
BN101594.ZIP [0] BITCHNet is a new QWK based netmail system
| based on toal free speech. The net is free
| net with minimal rules and no moderators.
| This is a unique net with few competors. Come
| help us build.
BOTH_203.ZIP [0] All Caller Bulletin Generator [PPE] PPLCv2-
| Generates two caller bulletins, all-calls and
| all-stats. Completely revised format, all
| colors now SysOp customizable. FREEWARE
| Source available-New Support BBS #-ver 2.03
| adds node # display and yesterday calls
BRNEW.ZIP [0] An update to the BR.PPE file. This fixes a
| problem with Non-Expert users having the text
| fly off the screen before they can read it
| because the main menu shows up
BULCHK21.ZIP [0] Bulletin Read Counter/Monitor. Utility (PPE)
| for PCBoard 15.2 to keep track of the desired
| bulletins read by the user so as to perform
| an automatic upgrade of the newuser once
| he/she has read the desired bulletins. SysOp
| configurable. ver. 2.1 FREEWARE By Al Segura
| source available
C2C-1194.ZIP [0] City2City NetMail Service INFOPAK 10/94 *NEW*
| CENTRAL HUB and Administration! Accepting NEW
| Applications - S/R & Nodes Over 100 of the
| World's best Systems! * Reliable & Free *
| Superb Moderators * Zero Bureaucracy * 100
| Conferences * Guarenteed same day Approvals
| on receipt
CALLB_28.ZIP [0] CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.8 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
| Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID info
| to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work
| with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop
| defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works
| with any CallerID capable modem that supports
| Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE
| Source Available.
CALLSEC.ZIP [0] A .PPE that allows you to set up specific
| times that users with specific security
| levels are allowed on your BBS system.
CALV1294.ZIP [0] CalvaryNet! A computer Network for Calvary
| Chapel & Affiliates. If you attend Calvary
| Chapel or an affiliated church, relay with us
| to connect Calvary Chapels, pastors and the
| body of Christ together for fellowship and
| information exchange.
CAM-SUB.ZIP [0] Subscription Door with Checks Online Feature
| and Credit Cards. Support for PCBoard
| Accounting Credits. Works with PCBoard 14.5
| through PCBoard 15.21. Written using the
| PCB-Toolkit. This contains only information
| on the door. Written by Cam DeBuck Software
CAM-U146.ZIP [0] Upgrade for Cam-Mail v1.46. For PCBoard
| v15.x. The best QWK Mail Door/Tosser!!
CAP_9412.ZIP [0] CAPLink is a computer oriented echomail
| network. This network offers conferences for
| programmers, experienced or not, as well as
| technical conferences for a wide variety of
| application programs. Become a member today
| by downloading this info packet. All of the
| information needed to join CAPLink is
| contained inside.
CBTXTNL.ZIP [0] Dutch language files for ChatBox v.3.0, the
| PCBoard split-screen chat/page DOOR/PPE from
| YCS. This file contains everything needed to
| make ChatBox 3.0 Dutch language compatible.
| Includes CBTEXT and all ANSI and RIP files.
CB_NET1.ZIP [0] (CB!Net) A Net looking for BBS's to carry our
| A wide variety of sexual topics and fun Messa
| are what make CB!Net so much fun! SysOps: dow
| and fill out the application today!! We are n
| have plenty of room for YOU! <G>12/07/94: Upd
CDOOR13.ZIP [0] CYBER-LIST Door version 1.3. BBS List Door.
| Fast, easy, inexpensive. Cyber-List Door is
| the perfect BBS list utility door for any BBS
| system. Users can add a BBS, search the list
| or view the entire listing. Comes complete
| with a 258k current BBS list. New lists are
| available to registered users every month and
| are 4 times the size of the unreg'd BBS list.
| SUPPORTS most drop files! No FOSSIL required!
CDSEL_53.ZIP [0] CdSelect v5.3 PPE for PCboard V15.2 Search up
| 26 Cdroms Security Specific Conference
| searches. Download On and Off-line Cdrom file
| list Hard coded Help screens Search File
| Names or Text Strings Language, Security,
| Graphic specific... Includes New Z & L PPe's
| The BEST just got BETTER....
CENT9412.ZIP [0] Centipede - Poetry, Literature, and You. This
| network serves all writers, from the beginner
| to the experienced. This network also
| publishes a monthly magazine for all type of
| poets. Nice small network, twelve conferences
| in all. A great place for those interested in
| plain old fashion creativity.
CEOM_300.ZIP [0] [MS] CEOM v3.00: A Custom End Of Message PPE
| [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE
| written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color
| and Display Configurable end of message
| prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt
| which adds a scroll bar and hotkeys, but
| honors PCB Commands! [MS]
CFDL_100.ZIP [0] [MS] CFDL v1.00:Custom File Directory Lister
| [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List
| written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A PPE
| to replace the "F" command. Will dynamically
| create & allow interactive scrolling of the
| file directories. Can group file directories
| & MORE! [MS]
CHATPAGE.ZIP [0] CHATPAGE.PPE - Best looking/sounding Chat
| Page PPE you can GET! Put it in as the "O"
| command and enjoy!
CHK4D1B7.ZIP [0] CHK4DES v1.007 - insures file descriptions!
| Checks your PCBoard or other BBS file lists
| for descriptions. Removes all "Description
| not found" or blank description file names
| from file lists created by DIZ extractors.
| Optionally executes a batch file with each
| file name that has a description, such as
| moving the parent file to another directory.
| A file list management utility designed for
| busy sysops! From HAL SoftWare (12-05-94).
| update this listing is included on the main
| listing file. Originators of Networks should
| read the !README.NOW file. New networks
| should answer the questionnaire
CIDPPE15.ZIP [0] CID.PPE 1.50 - Creates CALLERID file with the
| phone number in format AAA-EEE-NNNN from CID
| info PCBoard gets from modem. Useful for
| PCBVerify to speed up verification process.
| Displays optional files to User ifCaller ID
| is blocked, Out of Area or doesnot match
| either User Record Entry. Support for format
| returned by Supra & ZyXEL modems. Support
| added for Hex Format used in Canada. FREEWARE
| w/source by Gary Meeker
CIMRG100.ZIP [0] CIMERGE v1.00 PCBoard utility to merge a list
| of alias names for selected conference
| numbers, allowing a single conference to be
| known by multiple names. Copyright (C) 1994
| Clark Development Company, Inc.
CLCB_151.ZIP [0] [MS] CLCB v1.51: Custom Last Caller Bulletin
| [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin
| Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs! Colour
| and *DISPLAY* configurable last caller
| bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement codes).
| Supports configurable running totals of board
| activity & MORE! [MS]
CLMEBK21.ZIP [0] CallMeBk 2.1 [PPE] Callmebk is a very simple
| callback verification PPE for PCboard 15.2.
| Now Supports Local Only or Local and Long
| Distance Call Backs. Source Code available on
| request. Minor Revision Release FreeWare
| Compilied 01-09-95
CMFL_200.ZIP [0] [MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE
| [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator
| written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs An
| advanced program that will create & archive
| an *up-to-the-minute* master file list on
| demand. Select and Save DIRs, conf configs
| and MORE! [MS]
CM_104.ZIP [0] Super Simple Conference Menu Creator v1.04
| Create a really nice CNFN file for your BBS
| For PCBoard 15.2 and up. Supports extended
| length conference names. Has the ability to
| create security level specific conference
| files. (ie. CNFN10 or CNFN34 etc.) Super
| fast, super easy to install, runs great in a
| nightly event. FREEWARE, C source code is
| available if you would like to customize it
| for BBS.
CNAV_401.ZIP [0] [MS] CNAV v4.01: Custom Node Activity Viewer
| [CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE
| written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs
| Color/Option Configurable WHO command
| replacement. Terse, Brief, Verbose and
| Interactive RealTime Modes! Supporting
| XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS]
CNFN.ZIP [0] CNFN.PPE - this is basically the same PPE
| that we use on Salt Air for our conference
| join menu. It will only display the
| conferences the caller is able to join.
| Freeware/Public Domain Source included.
COMMAND.ZIP [0] Wirly-gig conference prompt with full source
CONFLST.ZIP [0] Utility to list conference names & numbers as
| well as the path to the message base to a
| text file
CPPRT.ZIP [0] The CPRT.PPE picks up whare pcb left off when
| it comes to conference proection. . Forces
| user to enter a pasword and cheks to see if
| there name is on the list each time he/she/it
| joins the conference !!!!
CRED330.ZIP [0] DMSoft Credits.ppe v3.30 - users can purchase
| online credits using a credit card. Has
| internal config editor, language files,
| message left to sysop, makes an downloadable
| invoice ,a log file, state tax field, handlin
| charge, lang warning and inf. Now sets users
| expiration date and level to drop sec in
| accounting file for each level in config. Has
| testmode and tax mode. No expiration date
CRZ_LAM.ZIP [0] CRaZY WoRLD '95 LAME LIST PPE. Let users view
| a lame list, and add names and comments to it
| 100% configurable.
CSSC_301.ZIP [0] [MS] CSSC v3.01 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE
| [CSSC.PPE]: A Split Screen Chat PPE written
| in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A feature
| packed, colour configurable SysOp/User
| split-screen chat interface to replace the
| F10 PCB Chat. Supports a User Editor PPE
| (CUFE) & MORE! [MS]
| "America's Local BBS Network" created to allo
| smaller BBS's to NETWORK their local conferen
| In addition COASTNET! is the ideal place to g
| started in the world of QWK/REP network EchoM
| Complete assistance in getting up and running
| available to beginers. Call us NOW and become
| part of this new and unique network!
CUFE_200.ZIP [0] [MS] CUFE v2.00: Custom User File Editor PPE
| [CUFE.PPE]: A Full Screen User Editor written
| in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color
| configurable Full Screen Online User
| Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. Full PSA
| Support. Conf Flag Updating. *Powerful*,
| versatile and MORE! - [MS]
CVT2152.ZIP [0] CVT2152 - Updates CNAMES Long Conf Names from
| uuPCB's UUPCB.DBF. For PC Board 15.2 ONLY!
CW_AP_36.ZIP [0] AutoPost v3.6 PCB v15.2 PPE to send BBS Ads,
| ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on an
| automated basis!!! Unique dating feature can
| prevent your ad from being killed as a dupe!
| Another top PPE from the author of SubscriP,
| Pro-Vote, ConfMenu, RemindMe & many others!!
| Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_BD_14.ZIP [0] Birthday v1.4 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
| when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
| thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
| greeting! Adds even more personality to your
| system! PCBoard 15.2 PPE, Shareware, easy to
| install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
| Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_BL_36.ZIP [0] BBSListr v3.6 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
| for PCBoard 15.2! Added new modems, improved
| speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
| entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
CW_CM_54.ZIP [0] ConfMenu v5.4 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
| for PCB v15.2! Automatic! Never draw another
| CNFN again!! Supports 15.2 long conf names!!
| And no longer needs conference name prefix!!
| And you can configure your own custom colors
| as well! Now supports conference name sorts!
| Compiled with PPLC (3.0) for PCBoard (15.2)!
CW_DM_17.ZIP [0] DoorMenu 1.7 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replace
| the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
| to your door menu!
CW_FM_16.ZIP [0] FileMenu v1.6 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
| for PCB v15.2! Automatic! Never draw another
| file menu again! Also lets users search file
| directory descriptions! For those with mult-
| iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-menus"
| for each CD or file group!! Now with instant
| Compiled under PPLC v3.0 for PCBoard 15.2.
CW_FV_12.ZIP [0] Fone-Ver v1.2! Callback Verification for PCB
| v15.2!! Fully configurable and feature rich!
| Fully functional!! Not crippled!! Allows you
| to let users reverse their calls (definable)
| for better connections! And much, much more!
| Now has FVCONFIG.PPE for much easier config!
CW_HH_36.ZIP [0] HowHeard v3.6 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
| 15.2! Upgrade sec levels and conference regs
| based on caller's response! Writes to User's
| notes PSA. Now with OTHER option for a more
| specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
CW_IN_45.ZIP [0] IntelApp! v4.5 Intelec Network "Database and
| Application" PPE! Freeware! For use with our
| IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
| Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
| Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
| "network newsletter" files!! Intelec Network
| is a Free, Active & Hi-Quality network!! Now
| compiled under PPLC v3.0, for PCBoard v15.2!
CW_MM_38.ZIP [0] MainMenu v3.8 A PCBoard 15.2 PPE v3.0. Great
| PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
| Shows available/unavailable commands as well
| as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
| again!! Nice little PPE! Support is availabl
| e via the Intelec Network in PPL or
| CW_Support forums!
CW_MQ_35.ZIP [0] MsgQuest v3.5 PCB 15.2 Shareware PPE! Script
| to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
| to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
| and *unlimited* questionnaires!
CW_PV_40.ZIP [0] Pro-Vote v4.0! The best PCBoard Vote Utility
| now supports As Many As 999 Different Polls!
| A results bulletin, a new maintenance module
| w/ Login Poll Availability, Displays Percent
| of votes as BarGraph. Let's users Add Polls,
| and much More!! NON-Crippled Shareware!! Now
| compiled under PPLC 3.0 for PCB 15.2!
CW_RM_15.ZIP [0] RemindMe v1.5 PCB 15.2 Users enter their own
| personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
| at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
| days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
| permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
| past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
| Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully functioning!
CW_SL_36.ZIP [0] SpeedLim v3.6! Limit callers access based on
| connection speed! Block total access or just
| access to specific command!! Exclude by time
| or by an exclusion usernames list! An option
| to send a message to user about when command
| is available or at what speed and now caller
| log support! Another great CW PowerPack PPE!
| Compiled under PPLC v3.0 for use w/ PCB 15.2
CW_TZ_35.ZIP [0] TimeZone! v3.5! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
| Recompiled with PPLC v3.0 for PCBoard v15.2!
| Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" can
| access your system!! Now you can adjust time
| based on when in the slot the user calls!
CW_UN_35.ZIP [0] UserNews v3.5 Let users enter their own news
| items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.2! It's
| a breeze to install, and needs little, or no
| maintenance!! Support available on the
| Intelec Network PPL/CW_Support forums
CW_WM_35.ZIP [0] WelcoMat v3.5! For PCBoard v15.2 (PPLC v3.0)
| WM is for those who know who will be calling
| their BBS and WelcoMat can upgrade them when
| they do! Small, fast and convenient! Upgrade
| different users to different security levels
| and register in many different conferences!!
DEV152.ZIP [0] PCBoard Developer Information: Contains file
| structures and usage guidelines for files
| used in the PCBoard environment.
DEVELOP.ZIP [0] PCBoard Developer Information: Contains file
| structures and usage guidelines for files
| used in the PCBoard environment.
DISPWH11.ZIP [0] This is Gary Meaker's Original Dispwhen.PPE
| modified to select what baud rates you want
| to show the "file" to as well as the other
| original settings
DIZPRO11.ZIP [0] DizIt PRO v1.1 - FILE_ID.DIZ Importer
| Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
| into PCBoard with local upload. Do it with
| DizIt Pro to automate the process! DizIt Pro
| snoops through files quickly for either
| FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports those
| descriptions. DizIt Pro can also import
| descriptions from text files, scan for virus,
| check for duplicate in .IDX files and much
| more.
DLPRM101.ZIP [0] [PPE] DLPROMPT v1.01 Replacement for the
| "Filename to download (Enter)=None?" prompt.
| Replaces single line prompt with full-screen
| display showing last five files in batch.
DMSPPE1A.ZIP [0] DMSPPE1A - update to DMSPPE1. Collection #1
| of custom prompts for PCBoard v.15.1 & 15.2.
| Features include lite-bar prompts, online and
| context-sensitive help, and support for
| GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes. This set
| contains: - End of Message command w/flag of
| of attached files - More prompt - Scan mail
| prompt
DOD-DL10.ZIP [0] DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which contains
| installation and pretty gfx interface make
| this pack awesome! -DR
DOD-LT10.ZIP [0] LASTTRANSFERSv1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of few
| last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+...
DOD-MR10.ZIP [0] MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ nice
| ansi support..Much better than a original
| PCBoard one. -DR
DOD-NUP.ZIP [0] NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPPPE... It will
| give various security levels to callers
| depending on password they've entered and
| many many more stuff... -LU
DOD-SLAN.ZIP [0] STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics door
| with a nice File/Messages/Personal
| information. Very easy to install into a
| PCBoard and PC/x. -DR
DODMMP32.ZIP [0] MEGAMATRiXPROv3.2 - New improved version of
| the powerfullest matrix in the world! Added
| pcbprot.bat analize routine, impro- ved
| upload processor, etc! - LU
DWNLD303.ZIP [0] DWNLD.PPE Version 3.03 A PPE for PCB 15.2
| that give PCB a FULL SCREEN download counter.
| Update allows sysop to FULLY use multilingual
| options and adds ability to View & Remove
| files, and Change Protocols. MANY fixes and
| additions.
ENAME100.ZIP [0] eName v1.00 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
| PPS source) which converts a user's name to a
| legitimate email address. Great for welcoming
| a user to an Internet email conference.
| Conforms to RFC1137 spec for converting names
| into email names. ENAME.INI allows for
| customizing colors, domain, and more!
| FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering.
EXPMSG10.ZIP [0] Expire Message 1.0 - PPE w/Source that will
| write a message to the sysop x days before a
| user expires (set on command line). Requires
| PCBoard 15.1 minimum. PD/Freeware. Under
| PCBoard 15.2, could be run from DOS command
| line in an event.
FBBSPC11.ZIP [0] FILES.BBS to PCBoard DIR v1.1 Converts CD-ROM
| files.bbs to a text file that can be read by
| PCBoard 14.x/15.x.
FDC-460.ZIP [0] File Download Counter 4.6 - This is a great
| utility for PCBoard Sysops! FDC will count
| the number of times a file has been
| downloaded from your system and update your
| directory listings with that number. This
| makes it easy for users and sysops to see
| which files and file areas are the most
| popular on their system. Easy
| automate the handling of files failing
| BOOMLAB v.43+. It can E-Mail the Sysop so now
| you'll know there's files to look at, E-Mail
| user, Delete file, and NUKE file! All can be
| used in combination and set for each type of
| failed test. (CRC/AGE/VIRUS)
FLYAPP.ZIP [0] FLYNET is the world's fastest growing
| aviation oriented network. This file contains
| MAKEREQ.EXE, used to make application. Send
| your application to Ed Grossheim (MA Host/Net
| Coord) after compiling the included
| nodelist.Come join FLYNET and fly with us.
| 01/05/94 Online Game For PCBoard BBS Systems
| Multi-Player: YES Graphics: EGA Animation:
| YES Sound: YES Mouse Supprt: YES MultiNode:
FPBT22R1.ZIP [0] FPBLT v2.21 - Fido Traffic Summary Bulletin
| Generator utility designed for use with the
| FidoPCB Mail Tosser. Produces ready to use
| formatted bulletins. Easy to set up and run
| Requires FidoPCB v1.4 or later. Rebuild the
| Database without loss of counts. Works with
| PCBoard v14.5, PCBoard v15.0 or higher, and
| also PowerBBS for Windows v3.2 and higher.
GAMBLE20.ZIP [0] ================================ Ultimate
| Time Gambler v2.0
| ================================ A PPE for
| PCBoard 15.2+ which will allow your users to
| gamble time by playing one of the following
| games: 1) Dumb Luck (10 Different Odds) 2)
| Guess-the-Number 3) Blackjack (21)
GHOST12.ZIP [0] GHOST LOADER Version 1.2. This PCBoard util
| changes the dates within PCBoard DIR files to
| the current day. It will give your users the
| impression that more files are being uploaded
| to your system. The program can be set to
| alter as few or as many file dates as wanted.
| PCBFILER /PROCESS will return all the dates
| to their original settings. That makes GHOST
| a friendly, non-destructive utility for you!
| Easy to set-up and run. Quick and painless!
GLOBE_ME.ZIP [0] Att'n SYSOPS! Download this information
| package! GlobalNet is BACK in Canada full
| force!
GNET003.ZIP [0] - GoldNET Application Package v0.003 Amazing
| New NET, IPBRE, Good MSG's Good net to have
| for the future... Run Gold_App.exe For
| Application!! -
GNET1294.ZIP [0] GnetEMS - An *EXCITING* Network with author
| support conferences and file distribution
| echoes! Now in the US, Canada & Europe! All
| information necessary to join this net- work
| is contained within this archive! If you're
| looking for a network where you Can have an
| active role in what you can
GNX-QUL3.ZIP [0] Quick Uploader v3.0
GNX-SUP.ZIP [0] SuperView(c) Grabba!
GNX-ZA17.ZIP [0] ZipAdd v1.7
GRAFD231.ZIP [0] [PPE] GRAF-D v2.31 You can use this PPE to
| auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
| caller and then default the "Do you want
| graphics" prompt to default to the best
| selection avaialble. Requires PCBoard v15.2
| or later.
GREET.ZIP [0] Display a message "Good Evening, Morning, or
| afternoon" to the user, depending on what
| time of day it is. Source code is included.
GTEL1009.ZIP [0] GT Power Network International Echomail
| Conference Listing for 10/09/94 prepared by
| Perry Alexander, GTPN PEC, 032/001. The file
| includes the ECHOLIST.BBS (all echoes by
| number), the ECHO-CAT.BBS (all echoes by
| category with number of subscribers, the
| ECHOCHGS.BBS (all recent conference changes),
| and the ECHO-RET.BBS (all conferences retired
| this year). As of 10/09/94, there were 817
| confernces on the GT Power Network.
GW-OLM11.ZIP [0] GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE]H DP '94 On-Line Message PPE
| for PCB 15.2 that will send a one line
| message to another node similar to the Ami/X
| OLM feature.
| application and information package. Join a
| quickly growing QWK style message network
| based on gen- eral chit chat. Any BBS
| Software can participate. Included are sample
| scripts for automatic mail runs. NEW -
| Included is a program to automatically setup
| HAWKNET on Spitfire v3.5 boards which use JNet
HNDCHG1.ZIP [0] HANDLE CHANGE PPE 1.0 This simple PPE lets
| your users choose a HANDLE iN PCB with KewL
| Ansi! Also features LIGHTBAR!
HOMENET.ZIP [0] HomeNET Info Pak - A mail network with that
| Down-Home flavor and friendly atmosphere. It
| fills the gap between general chit-chat and
| some serious problem solving. HomeNET is a
| QWK packet echo-mail network which does not
| need an additional front-end program. Use
| your own automated comm program to get the
| mail. 36 interesting conference areas. All
| BBS software types. (formerly MegNet).
IBCNET.ZIP [0] * Press Release for IBCnet* Outlines the
| first BBS Internet Collective. Join the
| Internet on a budget.
IDXUTIL6.ZIP [0] IDX-Util v6.0 (11-01-94) PCB 15.0 Utilities
| List files in .IDX File using wildcards. List
| Duplicate files in an .IDX File. Also can
| cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups
| or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you
| can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in
| .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames,
| delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files.
| Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change
| DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files.
ILLU1294.ZIP [0] IlluNet Join the Fast Growing Mail Network
| with Frontend Transfers/.QWK compat. Hosts in
| VA/NJ/TX/MS/GA/NV/NC/TN & CANADA as of: Dec.
| 1, 1994!
ILNK9412.ZIP [0] ILink International NetMail Network Member
| listings! The Application Generator is now
| available for downloading as ILAPP28.ZIP. If
| you are interested in world-wide message
| exchanges and are tired of abusive
| participants, it is time to look at ILink's
| moderated conferences and internationally
| recognized member systems!
INB_9501.ZIP [0] INBasket! Official Intelec Newsletter Jan 95
| Monthly News, Information & Statistics about
| the Intelec Network! Membership, Application
| Nodelist & Conference info is in IN_9501.ZIP
| Intelec supports QWK/Fido/Satellite/Soon-FTP
INFO1_1.ZIP [0] Information PPE Info 1.1 - If you've been
| looking for a nice 'W' command replacement,
| look no further, this is what you need!
INFOAPP.ZIP [0] InfoNet InterNational(tm) EchoMail NetWork
| Membership Application Pkg! Includes current
| InfoNet Nodelist, Policy and Application
| Generator for the State of Nevada.
IN_9501.ZIP [0] The Intelec Network Information File Jan 95!
| 198 Forums! 409 Member BBSs in 11 Countries!
| Supporting: QWK, Fido, Satellite & soon FTP!
| FREE, Friendly, Professional, Active network
| covering a Wide Range of Topics, From Issues
| to Tech Support, Entertainment, Life & more!
| Intelec has a very ACTIVE membership and you
| can be a member in as little as 24-48 hours!
IZ_FS111.ZIP [0] FSCAN.PPE v1.11: User Log-on File scanner!
| The Best User Log-on File Scanner PPE FScan
| will allow your users to View or Down- load a
| List of New Files as they log in to your
| PCBoard 15.2+ BBS. Includes an ALLFILES List
| download option. Completely SysOp con-
| figurable. Multi-Language capable. To many
| features to list! No Brag Lines for a Pro-
| fessional and seamless Look. Download Today!
IZ_QK_10.ZIP [0] QWK.PPE v1.0: Enhance your QWK Settings!
| Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs
| QWK.PPE allows your users to set their QWK
| command settings without having to execute
| the "W"rite command. Great for those SysOps
| SysOps that use a QWK.MNU. Optional pre-
| display of HELP for each setting! FREEWARE
JM_AC_11.ZIP [0] Alias Changer v1.1 A program which will allow
| you to get an alias from a user if it doesn't
| already exist in their record. If one exists
| the user doesn't even know it's running. Some
| of the features of this program are: 1.
| Customizable prompts 2. Number of trys to ask
| 3. Logoff user if no alias?
JM_FM_10.ZIP [0] File Menu v1.0. This is the best file
| directory displayer known for PCBoard. It
| will automatically rebuild itself on the fly!
| It's fast, quick and if you add or remove
| directories this is your best choice. Once
| you create the main menu and tell it what
| categories you have it's done. No maintenance
| no changing it ever again, unless you wish to
| change/add categories or change your
JM_FU_17.ZIP [0] PCBoard Automated File Uploader v1.6 This
| program will make uploading file(s) to your
| system much easier for your beginner,
| intermediate and advanced users alike.
| Features in this release are: Definable
| Prompts File (with language support) Ability
| to enter filename and
JM_MF_10.ZIP [0] Message Footer v1.0 This PCBoard PPE will
| change the way your users sees the end of
| message during message reads. It provides a
| easy to use light bar with SysOp definable
| colors. Completely maintenance free and best
| of all it's also FREE! Another quality JM_
| PPE product for your online service.
JM_PD_11.ZIP [0] PullDown Menu System v1.1 This is a complete
| PullDown Menu System. Colors, prompts are all
| definable. This should only be used by users
| above 9600bps for it's quite graphic
| intensive. ANSI must be enabled for this PPE
| to run. This is another quality PPE in the
| JM_ PPE series of PPE's. The reason for it's
| coming was the others, which were not upto MY
| standard and to expensive for my
J_CONFX.ZIP [0] Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's for the
| JOIN command. One builds/reads from a text
| file (ie fast), another builds on the fly
| based on the users access rights, and the
| third lets the user pick which approach they
| want to use. Compiled with PPL v 3.0
| (Freeware with complete source).
KSRCH100.ZIP [0] KEYSearch v1.0 Online Database Browser For
| KeyBook Shopping Catalogs - Fast, online DBF
| searches User friendly interface On-the-fly
| Pricing Written in PPL v.3
LABEL10.ZIP [0] -=-=-=-=-=-=-= LABEL10.PPE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| PCBoard ver 15.x PPE that will allow an
| address label to be printed on standard "1
| up" stock labels on a dot matrix printer. Use
| in Scripts or as a stand alone in your
| CMD.LST. Configurable printer port, call
| another "Write" PPE or the PCB address PSA to
| verify address is correct, configurable
| colors. You must have the PCB Address PSA
| installed. By CBH Software.
LCD-ON10.ZIP [0] ONEliner 1.O Here's a nice oneliner, cool
| input functions and nice layout, everything
| is just cool.
LIGHTMNU.ZIP [0] The Lightbar Menu v1.0 You can use this PPE
| for almost anything that uses a direct
| command from PCBoard. Example > E for enter a
| message or R for read a message. There are
| endless posibilities. It would work great as
| a submenu to help your new users with the
| commands.
LISTDIR.ZIP [0] Arrow Key Control for Files Sub-Sections PPS
| Available.
LN9501.ZIP [0] <>Attention Sysops<>Fun network! <> LostNet
| is looking for sysops to carry this net
| devoted only to having fun. No lengthy
| application procedures. Virtually no rules or
| red tape. First come, first served. Quick and
| easy approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and
| can handle .QWK based E-Mail. Check it out!
| What have you got to lose? NEW! Apply via
| Internet for instant approval!
LNET0195.ZIP [0] [LakeNet] LakeNet Information Package for
| January 1995 ! Join this friendly QWK network
| based in the Great Lakes Region with nodes in
| France, U.S.A & Canada with quick approval in
| less then 24 hours and no fee to join or send
| messages. PKT also available. [Showcom Online]
LNEWS95A.ZIP [0] [LakeNet] LakeNews for January 1995 Join this
| friendly QWK network based in the Great Lakes
| Region with nodes in France, U.S.A & Canada
| with quick approval in less then 24 hours and
| no fee to join or send messages. PKT also
| available. [Showcom Online]
LS!D-LCO.ZIP [0] Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]
LS!ECOM.ZIP [0] Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]
LSCONF10.ZIP [0] Update from Source files for STARCON1.PPE
| Original source programmed by Mohammed
| Alsbeiay of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia This
| rewrite allows up to 31 character description
| of the first 99 Conference Names. No
| commandline arguments are needed. Just plug
| and play. New file included is LSCONF.PPE
| programmed by LightSpeed Software There is
| obviously NO registration fee. FREEWARE.
| program, by Sysop configurations, shall award
| extra time and extra down load bytes to the
| person who is lucky enough to fill out the
| survey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.
| This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its purpose is
| to better help the Sysop gain a private &
| honest understanding from the users.
MAVO15ZA.ZIP [0] MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact, Fast
| Super Voting PPE! Maximum 20 Questions 10
| Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
| Contains its own MAUSER Login door for notify
| users to vote! Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR
| upgrade from version 1.3 Converts old MAVOTE
| and creates new MAVOTE.BIN's. Its Freeware!
| Not crippleware and not see you later sharewa
MDY!NTR1.ZIP [0] Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x
MDY!TOPU.ZIP [0] Topuploaders 1.0! [PPE]
MDY!VPB.ZIP [0] Prompt Selector 1.0 For PCB 15.2
MERGS1B3.ZIP [0] MERGESYS v1.003 - BBS file list manager!
| Eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries on
| your PCBoard or other BBS, even between file
| lists, automatically; keep\replace entries,
| merge lists, more! MANDATORY with multiple
| CD's on-line. Will work on almost ANY type or
| size of sorted ASCII text file. Now with
| batch files and major new features over2. The
| Flagship of a suite of file description
| management utilities designed for the busy
MFLAG201.ZIP [0] Multiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x Tag
| files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR) *
| Autodetection for ansi or monochrome *
| Support for PCBoard @X variables * External
| config and helpfiles * Multilingual
| support,Download preview * Simple install
| with setuputility * Many many powerfull
| features more! * Make your live easy with
MID5PPE.ZIP [0] This File Contain 5 PPE Files For Pcboard
| 15.1+ By PPLC version 2 (1) a replacement to
| your MainMenu . (2) a Replacement to your
| Files Directory . (3) a Replacement to your
| (W) (V) Commands . (5) a replacement to your
| Conferences Menu .
MILPOL94.ZIP [0] MilPolNet, Military and Police FidoNet-style
| BBS network. Nodelist and
| information/application kit, November 1994
MKDIR.ZIP [0] MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create DIR
| files from the files available on the hard
| BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES! It is designed for
| corporations, or people wqho do not wish file
| descriptions and file maintenance through
| PCBFiler.
MKPCBD11.ZIP [0] MKPCBDIR.EXE V1.1 will convert a regular DOS
| directory listing stored in a file by using
| "dir/o > dirname.raw" to a PCBoard directory
| list. This was designed to create directory
| lists for CD-ROMs which are not BBS ready.
| Make your directory list and let MKPCBDIR.EXE
| do the rest. V1.1 fixes bug in V1.0 related
| to 3 and 10 character file sizes. Brought to
MLK1094.ZIP [0] Information packet and membership application
| for joining the MetroLink International
| Network,the oldest open .QWK compatible
| PCBoard network in the country.
MLP_1094.ZIP [0] MLPNET from The NASA MLP BBS in Port Orchard,
| WA! Now with FIDO addressing, Foundations in
| Science and MUCH more! anywhere else, I
| *GUARANTEE* it. If out today! UPDATED WITH
| AREANAMES and Front Door polling information!
MNET1094.ZIP [0] MetalNET QWK mail net. The midwest's only all
| music e-mail net. 11 music conferences
| ranging from rock, metal, alternative to rap
| and country and just added a conferencd for
| listeners and composers of digital music and
| MTV discussion. Add MetalNET to your message
| base and give your users somthing to listen
| to. Now supporting QWK & Frontend mailers.
MODE1V10.ZIP [0] Mode1.ppe v1.0 - PPL 2.0 Writen for Pcboard
| v15.1 Do you use Rip Graphics? Now when users
| log on to your BBS they can now see a display
| telling them what color options are
| available. The Prompt: Do you want graphics
| (enter)=no
MONI12.ZIP [0] UltraMoni - v1.2 - PCBMONI .PPE replacement
| for the busy PCBoard Sysop. User definable
| update and scroll interval. View online user
| record. Update node info. Full and compact
| display mode. Fully functional. Shareware
| only $10. Free BBS support. NEW for v1.1 -
| Support for Caller Management System (CMS).
| New in v1.2 - Support for PCB 15.2..
MSGMENU.ZIP [0] Message menu is basically the same menu
| system we use here on Salt Air for our
| (C)omment to Sysop command. It will let you
| pop up a menu for your callers with cursor
| key control to select the topic they want to
| leave a message about. This one has been
| rewritten to use an external file, for those
| that don't have the PPL Compiler. Freeware,
| source included.
MSHOP121.ZIP [0] Multimedia Shopping Mall v1.21 M-SHOP for
| PCBoard is the best shopping mall ever for
| PCBoard v15.x. Features up to 20 different
| stores, 20 depts in each store, and unlimited
| total items on line. SL restrictions, up to
| 10 image attachments with long desc- riptions
| (reg. only) for each item.
NC18_SEP.ZIP [0] New adult net [ No Children Under 18 ] Are
| you sick of the adult mail nets with static
| BORING blather? Try this! Different and
| interesting topics rather than "the usual"
| ;-) Application & Nodelist incl.
| is for every sysop that wants to have his
| users enter all the address infor- mation. A
| cursor-driven menu will show up when a user
| logs in that has not entered everything in
| U_ADDR(). This PPE will also not accept users
| that just type a '-' instead of their real
| addresses. Menu will only disapear if the
| user has entered ALL the information.
| Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysop replacement.
| 100% language configurable. 100% colour
| configurable.
| is a cursor-driven replacement for the PCB
| [F] command. It shows a list with all
| available directories. Fantastic features
| included: o Displays number of files in dir o
| Displays total kb in dir o Possibility to
| press [D] and the highlighted dir is
| downloaded
| credit card processing PPE using the PCB 15.2
| accounting options.
| for every PCB sysop! This PPE is a fully
| cursor-driven replacement for the 'R'
| command. NEW: WITH PCB-LAYOUT NEW: NO 'Reg'
| to:' TEXT
NENET200.ZIP [0] New England Net Information Pack v2.00 NE-Net
| is friendly. Started in 1988! Boards outside
| of NE are welcomed to apply. Managed by a SC,
| keeping politics in the sandbox where they
| belong! 01/95
NETME100.ZIP [0] NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard
| 15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]
| program to replace the (E) Message commands
| in your FidoNet netmail conference. simplify
| user input for both Fidonet netmail and into
| Internet via Fidonet UUCP gateway. Shareware.
| not crippled Oriental Royal
NET_12.ZIP [0] NET-12, The Family Values Network was formed
| out of the frustration of constantly viewing
| messages containing hostile and childish
| content in many of the Networks. NET-12 has
| 12 common conferences and "STRICTLY" enforces
| the "BE NICE TO EACH OTHER" rule. Supports
| QWK (now) FIDO (later).
NEWE.ZIP [0] PPE replacement for the [E] Command. Displays
| a file to the caller and allows them to abort
| their message if they are not in the correct
| message base area, etc. Supports stacked
| names in conjunction with the command. FREE
NEWSTCC.ZIP [0] News Release- TTY/TDDs can now talk with any
| computer modem. Talk to your friends directly
| without the Telecommunications Relay Service
| (TRS). No expensive Baudot modem to purchase.
NIN-NET6.ZIP [0] Info Packet for Ninny-Net Mail Network
| Ninny-Net is a fun based network for people
| who enjoy a little light-hearted
| conversation. This is a small FREE network.
NOCRASH.ZIP [0] NOCRASH - BBS utility. Reboots the computer
| when the BBS hangs. Tiny TSR does cold boot
| if there is no disk activity in n minutes.
| n=1 to 999. Freeware.
NONMULTI.ZIP [0] HOW TO guarantee no two nodes open the same
| NON-Multi-Node Door at the same time while
| using PCBoard BBS
NUFLAG11.ZIP [0] [PPE] Major Upgrade to FLAG.PPE! Enhanced
| status/prompt line. rewritten to control
| NON-batch protocol users, and users that have
| NO default protocol selected. ALL info
| screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG specific.
| (Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE was
| that batch mode protocol by user was
| assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
| flagged file will be offered for downloading
| immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
| OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
| registration processing via credit cards or
| optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file
| for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG
| file with all the information needed to
| verify and process credit card transactions.
| Also writes program usage information to the
| CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify
| your own security levels, term of sub-
OMNI0994.ZIP [0] _/ OmniLink is a Nationwide QWK Mail network
| that specializes in fun and entertaining
| conferences. Applications are being taken for
| both nodes and HubSites. This ZIP file
| contains everything you need to get started
| in the network. Sep 1994 Version
ONEARM15.ZIP [0] * One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE game
| that simulates the playing of a slot machine.
| No maintenance required. No configuration
| files required. Quick & easy install via
| CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free
| lifetime BBS support!
ONELINE1.ZIP [0] OneLiner.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
| Services. A PCBoard add-on to display one
| line advertisments (or teasers). Can work in
| conjunction with our ADBOARD.PPE to present
| your callers a full-featured advertising
| system ala Prodigy. Fully functional,
| FREEWARE. Runs under PCBoard v 15.1 or higher.
ORWAIT11.ZIP [0] OR WAIT.PPE 1.1 - Revision 01/08/94 This
| [PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, the WAIT prompt.
| This makes your BBS more fancy and colorful.
| CTTY ANSI,RIP support. EXTRA Configur- able
| and language aware. Download it NOW. You
| can't miss it.This is Public Domain. No
| Registration
PACKERV3.ZIP [0] Packer version 3.0 PACKER v1.0 for PCBOARD (
| uses USER.SYS ) A door game similar to the
| famous game from a long time ago. Functions
| best at 9600 baud & greater. Really good
| response on the best door program to date.
| Demo Version -reg $10.00 Full version has 20
| screens for play. Also a dos version included
| for practice on your a home computer. reg.
| also $15.00
PAD-11.ZIP [0] PADLOADS.EXE - PCBoard BBS uploads padder.
| Pads the uploads DIR with additional files to
| make the BBS look more active. Scans existing
| DIRs to pick out descriptions to add to
| upload DIR. Sysop configuration file
| included. Makes small and new BBSs look very
| active to attract and hold more users. By Al
| Segura v1.1
PAGE3.ZIP [0] O.PPE - Is a PPE program I wrote after see
| one I thought was neat. It makes callers
| think the Sysop is typing to them then acts
| like you dropping carrier on them.
PATHNET2.ZIP [0] Pathnet is a canadian based mail net with
| conferences for people with addictions &
| other problems. This Net is fairly new and
| needs support
PCB152PO.ZIP [0] Portuguese PCBTEXT 2.0 for PCBoard v15.2
PCB152QB.ZIP [0] Types & code segments for accessing PCBoard
| 15.2 files in QuickBasic 4.5 and a few .OBJ
| library functions for data conversions. TYPES
| Files. By Gary Meeker
PCB900.ZIP [0] PCB900.PPE Accept subscriptions via an easy
| to call 900 number. Lower rates than some of
| the other 900 services. Charges at both $10
| and a $25 level are accepted. V.90b
PCBBE110.ZIP [0] The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10
| Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin menu
| each time it is run. Displays last date
| bulletin was changed. If you don't like
| drawing screens each time you change a BLT,
| this is the program for you. User is prompted
| after each screen rather than at the end of
| display.
PCBCK221.ZIP [0] -> PCBCheck 2.21 < This release of the
| easiest to use and set up upload processor
| for PCBoard enhances compatibility with
| PCBoard 15.2 and adds to its features which
| include an attractive, intelligent,
| customizable output, FOSSIL support, age
| checking, ability to convert archive types,
| and much more!
PCBCL100.ZIP [0] PCBColor v1.00 - DOS Utility: PCBoard file
| list colorizer (sysops' tool). Copyright (c)
| 1995 [95/01/09] by DDA - Reign Ware. Pascal
| source included.
PCBDDINF.ZIP [0] BBS Dollars Direct for PCBoard v15.2!
| Information on a powerful online pcboard
| utility that will allow your users to pay for
| items online with their checking or savings
| account. Works directly with the system setup
| by American Banking Systems. If you are
| having credit card troubles, or want to open
| up new doors for your users, then please
| download this file
PCBED12B.ZIP [0] PCBEdit 1.20 Beta Release for PCBoard 15.2
PCBFV38.ZIP [0] PCBFV 3.8 PCBoard Compressed File Viewer.
| Views ZIP, ARJ, LZH, ARC, PAK and SFX files.
| Read individual text files. Search for text
| while reading. Extract individual files for
| separate download. Displays GIF dimensions.
| Highly Sysop configurable. Seamless. Use in
| PCBoard's PCBVIEW.BAT or as a local utility.
| Ver. 3.8 is a minor update for PCBoard 15.2.
| YCS PCBoard Accessory
PCBFX22.ZIP [0] PCBFX 2.2 PCBoard File History/Profile Door.
| Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, date
| of upload, last date downloaded, are time or
| bytes charged, enough time or bytes and more.
| Number of files in ZIP & oldest/newest dates.
| Conference block on 'who uploaded'. SEAMLESS.
| Creates DOWNLOAD.TXT database, INSTANT scans.
| Compiles a "top 50 downloads" profile report.
| Ver. 2.2 is a minor update for PCBoard 15.2.
| A YCS PCBoard Accessory
PCBM112.ZIP [0] PCBMONI2.EXE, v1.12, An OS/2 2.x PM/WPS node
| activity monitor/editor for PCBoard v15.x
| This is a very nice node monitor which does
| most of the same operations as pcbmoni.exe
| This is a native 32bit OS/2 application and
| places very litle demand on your processor
| cycles or memory. This application is NOT
| shareware, and requires a custom key file to
| operate. Keys are $25.00 USD and Information
| is included in the documentation
PCBMODEM.ZIP [0] PCBModem 10/31/94 Release. Now includes
| support for 7 new modems. Also added hot keys
| in Manufacture selection.
PCBNET71.ZIP [0] PCB-Net v7.1 Supports PCBoard 15.0-15.2. Very
| Fast. This will will update your Users Mail
| Waiting Flags. You need this if you carry
| EchoMail or if you're using Old Third Party
| Software that doesn't support the new file
| formats! Will update the MSGS.IDX too.
PCBNORWA.ZIP [0] Norwegian PCBTEXT and HLP files for PCB 14.5
| / 15.1 / 15.2.
PCBOC110.ZIP [0] Online Checks Direct! <tm> For PCB (v1.10)
| PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique program
| that will allow your users to purchase from a
| product listing (via the PCBoard Sales
| Executive) and to pay for the products with
| their checking or savings accounts. Funds are
| sent to you via a paper draft within 48
| hours. Service is provided by American
| Banking Systems.
PCBSEC10.ZIP [0] PCBSEC v1.0 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.
| Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE for the
| use of PCBoard SysOps.
PCBTXTIT.ZIP [0] Italian PCBtext for PCBoard 15.2. Includes
| all HELP files and BRDM for ver.15.2. Nov94.
PCBTXTP2.ZIP [0] Portuguese PCBTEXT 2.1 for PCBoard v15.2
| "Return Receipt" translation corrected.
PCB_ICE.ZIP [0] Installbatches for IcE_Zmodem in PCBoard15.xx
PCB_TIME.ZIP [0] Time.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Conference command
| prompt with source code
PCMAT.ZIP [0] PPE - PCMAT - By KaMiKasE This PPE allow the
| SysOp to Know which Users wants to Format his
| HD.. It appears is Formating, but IT'S NOT!
| Than he receives a <ByE,ByE>
PEN_9412.ZIP [0] Planet Earth Network! 12/94 Join one the
| friendliest, growing networks around. We are
| changing to incorporate topics that are
| interesting and stimulating. Swift approval
| within 24 hours. FTS gateway available.
| MANAGER Supports: PcBoard / TriBBS / Express
| Move, edit, delete, & sort files quickly,
| full desc editing, DIZ extracting, DOS &
| Archive viewers, Full File NUKER, BOOMLAB
| Local & PCB Standalone upload processing,
| Full Dupe Checker & Remover, view logs,
| EGA/VGA Support.
PHRK2-2.ZIP [0] Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed ! { Phantom rip kit
| V 2.0 ) Finally a simple way to set up
| instant RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS.
| This is a Complete screen system for your
| bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!
| *Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's all in
| an easy to use format! No mess No fuss! SHARE
| WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!!
PLAN0195.ZIP [0] PlanoNet Information Packet [1/1/95] Come
| join the echomail network "That Just Wants To
| that have never done the echomail thing
| before, as well as those that are
| experienced, and at those that want a laid
| back approach to moving the mail! We're
| looking for Hubs
PMTTV16.ZIP [0] Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 1.60 FREEWARE!!!!
| Simple, but yet powerful Online Trivia Game
| that is 100% FREE. Source Code Available upon
| request. Written for PCBoard 15.2 using PPL
| 3.00. Better than some costly shareware
| trivia games out on the market. Won't cause a
| hole in your pocket book.
PN1194.ZIP [0] Welcome to PhileoNet. Fellowship. Prayer.
| Talk. Christians PhileoNet Christian Network
| Information packet for joining this exciting
| new Network. The Net requires no annual fees,
| uses QWK, FIDO or PostLink. The Net is
| totally dedicated to Jesus Christ. Come join
| us in our many Christian Conferences. Or add
| our shared Conferences to your Net.
PNP_9501.ZIP [0] Passion and Pleasure - An Adults' Only
| Network! Currently we are seeking HUBs and
| Nodes to join our expanding NET. Application
| and network information is included in this
| file. Come and join us! NO FEE REQUIRED!!!!
POB605.ZIP [0] POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00[1/1]
| POB605.PPE is a replacement for the entry 605
| (Proceed with logoff?) in PCBtext. Read the
| DOKU <g> for more details. This PPE is
| Multilingual, German is incl. A must if you
| have running the POB396LS.PPE This PPE only
| take in effect when you have set the setting
| "Warning on logoff command" to "YES"! (small,
| but usefull) ...........
POBNLS02.ZIP [0] POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.02[1/1]
| POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB. If
| you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll need
| this! You can search for SYSOP name or BBS
| name to get info about NODENUMBER and PHONE #
| etc. from the PCBoard NODELIST. If you want
| to write a NETMAIL to an other BBS and don't
| know his NODENUMBER search with this PPE
| online! A must have for 15.21
POBSPY1R.ZIP [0] POB SPY [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 1.00R[1/1] PCBoard
| <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor SPY.PPE is
| a WHO replacement for PCBoard 15.2 and above.
| Now supports U/L D/L File-
POBT15_2.ZIP [0] PCBTEXT.GER German PCBoard 15.2 TXT File
POB_SC2.ZIP [0] POB_SC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00[1/1]
| POB_SC2.PPE is a very simle PPE only for
| PCBoard Distributors! This PPE make it easier
| to insert the code for the PCBoard
| Distributor DOOR. Automatical updates the
| user security and his expiration date.
| (Source code includet) *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by
| POB(c)1995
POG14.ZIP [0] .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE game
| of chance. Try your luck at this fun game. No
| maintenance required. No configuration files
| required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST
| and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free BBS
| support. Compiled 11/22/94.
POST31.ZIP [0] NEWS POST Version 3.1 for WildCat and PCboard
| news bulletins. Gives powerful control over
| creating/editing PCB/WC News files. Features
| many great options including PCB & WC Macros
| configurable or Random colors. FAST, small,
| and easy to use. New menu displays. Version
| 3.1 is an 'over-haul' revision with many new
| features over prior versions. The BEST!!!!!
| Both PCB & WC supported in one small package.
POSTBLT1.ZIP [0] A POSTLINK Mail run report Utility! Postblt
| will create an informative bulletin for your
| last mail run, letting your users know how
| many messages that were exported, and
| imported. Fully configurable as to color,
| node ID and Network Name! Now sysop can
| configure to show Monthly totals & yearly
| totals! !Completely Free!
POWPP200.ZIP [0] PowerPPL v2.0 PCBoard Programming Language
| Editor! This customizable editor does *
| colorize the PPL KeyWords * give full PPL
| Help (CTRL-F1) * Compile and RUN PPE inside
| editor * Error browsing & tracking *
| Multi-window, 25/50 Lines * Full block
| edition & Clipboard
PPE-MENU.ZIP [0] -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -
| PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in - - PPE format
| for PCBoard v15.2+. - - - These menus have
| HOT-KEYS or use - - HI-LITE BARS that move
| with the - - arrow keys to activate a
| command. - - EASY to INTALL! Uses generic PCB
| - - commands. - - <Freeware> from Daryl
| Stogner -
PPESCR17.ZIP [0] PPE-Script v1.70 (11-01-94) - Newask/Logon/
| Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
| doors and offers full registration options.
| Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
| Five levels of scripts and is extremely
| versatile and configurable. Allows checking
| answers against a list and branching depends
| on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
| requested, but registration number available
| from BBS prior to any donation being made.
PROMPT.ZIP [0] A nice animated main prompt replacement, an
| adaptation of the prompt used in the
| doors.ppe of CDC's
PSI1094.ZIP [0] PSINET APPLICATION 10/94 - For EARTH lovers.
| PSI Echomail Network. A friendly, E-aware
| INTERNATIONAL network for users, sysops,
| programmers, and those who care about the
| environment. No FEEs to join.
PUB1194.ZIP [0] Publicus(tm) Info. Packet & Application
| Generator for Nov, 1994 Publicus(tm) THE
| conservative echomail network of the '90s!
| Very friendly and knowledgable members and
| our fellow users have helped prove Publicus
| THE place to be! .QWK based.
PULL11.ZIP [0] Pull Down Menu PPE 1.1 - Scott Eby Best and
| ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE. Replaces Main Menu
| and is totally configurable. Light bar driven
| Cursor PLUS prompt still available while
| using menu! A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! Shareware -=-
| NEW: Fixed Expert Mode Problem -=-
PWACJ11.ZIP [0] Conference Join v1.1 by Drew [PWA] A
| conference join PPE that shows only the
| conferences a user has access to while
| ignoring "blank" conferences as well as
| unaccessible ones. v1.1 fixes a minor bug and
| adds a couple of new features. Source
| included for 100% configurability.
PWAEEM10.ZIP [0] Enhanced End of Message v1.0 by Drew Replace
| your End of Message prompt with this clean
| looking, highly configurable, hotkey &
| lightbar driven PPE replacement. Written in
| PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only.
PWAEF20.ZIP [0] Enhanced Flag v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Get rid of
| that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use those up and down
| arrows to flag your files OBV/2 & V/2 style.
| EFLAG v2.0 has been totally rewritten from
| scratch in PPL 3.0 for PCB 15.2 only. Has
| more lightbars, features, flexibility, and
| even more configurability. Check it out!
PWAEMC11.ZIP [0] Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.1 by Drew A crisp
| & clean looking PPE replacement for your (S)
| (A) (D) etc. message edit prompt. Hotkey and
| lightbar driven for an easy interface.
| Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+ only.
| v1.1 just has a few minor fixes/changes.
PWAEQU10.ZIP [0] Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Do your
| blind uploads the CORRECT way: no more
| choking if you already have files flagged for
| download. Features lightbars, private message
| to the sysop, and source code. Another PPE
| written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only,
| courtesy of PWA.
QF-114.ZIP [0] Wide beta version 1.14b of QFront, a
| full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard. If
| you are upgrading from QFront 1.13b, download
| QF-114P which is a patch for 1.13b and is
| much smaller than this full release package.
| This is a complete installation/upgrade
| package.
QF-114P.ZIP [0] Wide beta version 1.14b of QFront, a
| full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard.
| This is a patch upgrade for QFront 1.13b
| ONLY. If you are not running QFront 1.13b, do
| not attempt to apply this patch. If you are
| upgrading from another version or are
| installing for the first time, download the
| full release package, QF-114.
QF_1131.ZIP [0] QScan 1.131b fixes a bug in QScan 1.13b that
| caused high message pointers to not be
| updated in some circumstances. Download this
| immediately if you are ALREADY RUNNING QScan
| 1.13b.
| Fix your main menu to display different
| quotes anywhere on the screen. You must get
| this program it contains over 1000 quotes!
| Use as is or add your own!
QV11.ZIP [0] Quick View v1.1 + PCBoard PPE utility to
| quickly pull up a user's record while reading
| messages online. Check it out! FREEWARE!!
| ===========-=-=-=-====== * FINAL RELEASE!*
| Color Display Features NEW >> CARBON COPIES
| AND BOOKMARK!! Full Voice Utilities * ALIAS
| Support
R2LODOUP.ZIP [0] PCB Logon Door for v15.x
RCVNET12.ZIP [0] Current RecoverNet Info from LifeLine (12 Ste
| All conferences relating to recovery with
| primary emphasis on 12 Step Fellowships. All
| conferences support ALIASes for anonymity.
| For people interested in or involved in
| recovery from addictions in any form. Hubs &
| Nodes wanted.
REALTYA.ZIP [0] Application to join RealtyNet, a nationwide
| network of BBSs sharing real estate
| conferences
REDNET.R50 [0] REDNET Application. Tired of nets full of so
| much administrative BS that it takes you
| hours to fill out the application ?
REG_AT10.ZIP [0] Easy Auto Message v1.0 Easy auto message
| editor and displayer
REG_ER10.ZIP [0] Easy Run v1.0 *BETA* This is a PPE Witch will
| run other .PPE's for you without installing
| them in yer PCBTEXT and/or CMD.LST . This is
| not like the other one by that PD guy this
| one has a newly added scripting feature .. a
| Must for all PPE coders
REG_LECH.ZIP [0] Anti-Leech PPE Lockout users by time defined
| periods
REQ301.ZIP [0] For PCBoard 15.2 Conference Request.PPE v3.01
| - Major new enhancements to this FINE PPE.
| Added Fidonet support for automatic
| conference requests, you can now have up to
| 15 Networks, added capability to use your own
| Menu File, and more! Great for Sysops who
RGD-BFDL.ZIP [0] Stats before D/L v1.0
RGD-PAGE.ZIP [0] Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RGD-ST2.ZIP [0] User Stats v2.0
RGD-ULOG.ZIP [0] Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
RGD-US.ZIP [0] User List v1.0
RGSN1094.ZIP [0] * Renegade Support Network Package 10-01-94 *
| - - A fast growing, SysOp-minded RG support -
| - network for ANYONE interested in *TRUE* -
| Renegade support!
RH_TOPS1.ZIP [0] = ToTaL ToP CReaToR v1.0 = Totally
| Configurable All Tops Have A Differnt PPE For
| Building Into Bulletins Creating Tops Online
RIPKT111.ZIP [0] RIPKit v1.11 A RIPScrip starter kit for
| experienced PCBoard SysOps who want to
| maintain a RIPScrip front-end for their
| callers.* Requires v15.2+*
RLOGOFF.ZIP [0] Random logoff ansi displayer with full source
ROCKLINK.ZIP [0] * December 1994 Update Pack * Welcome to
| RockLink(tm). This Info Pack conta join one
| of the hottest networks available to
| dedicated to music and entertainment. You wo
| "Windows" here, but you will find a lot of in
| related and entertainment related conferences
| group of users! RockLink is the ONLY BBS Mai
| to those who love music, not just those who p
| although they are welcome as well! NOW AVAIL
ROCKNET.ZIP [0] ROCK-NET RockNet is *fully* dedicated to open
| discussions on the very fine music that has
| been part of our culture since the
| mid-fifties. -===========================-
| Our network is a dedicated QWK/REP-based or
| EndMailer Networks. Presently expanding and
| looking for both hubs & nodes to join us!
RRNET94K.ZIP [0] [RRNET] The Rural Route Network November 1994
| Join this friendly QWK network for CANADIANS
| FROM COAST TO COAST! Quick approval in less
| then 24 hours and no fee to join or send
| messages
SAFNET.ZIP [0] SAF-Net(sm) Information file with associated
| echo and file area files. Includes node
| number requesting program.
SBGREL11.ZIP [0] RIME last mail transfer display generator -
| Generates ASCII, PCBoard, WildCat! and ANSI
| graphic display files showing last successful
| mail transers. FREE registra- tion. Ver 1.1
| 12/06/1994 By Al Segura
SCHAT10.ZIP [0] SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or for LOCAL
| use at home to CHAT with Santa "live" via
| Internet. Freeware from Polymath One, * it
| can recognize User that is not Login User
| (as, the one sitting on your lap!)
SCOT1294.ZIP [0] Sysops! We invite you to join our mail
| network called SCOTTNet, or just have a look
| at this information kit. We are looking for
| Hubs, and Nodes WORLD-WIDE! The conferences
| listed in this info kit are generally unique
| and we strife to avoid duplication as much as
| possible. There are NO charges or fees of any
| kind, NO waiting periods or delays, relaying
| the SCOTTNet mail network is
SCRIPT10.ZIP [0] ....______.... ofware ed ragon SCRIPT.PPE
| v1.0 RELEASE 01/08/95 ........
SERV0195.ZIP [0] Serv.net is a free QWK mail network that is
| available to all boards. Apply today and be
| connected in less the 24 hours normally.
SHELL_22.ZIP [0] THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.2, a PPE for PCBoard
| 15.2. A game of chance that recreates the
| Shell Game. Find the hidden pea under one of
| the shells, try to avoid being arrested, and
| try not to let the ShellMaster cheat you!
| Features a monthly and Hall of Fame scoring
| record. From Galahad Software.
SKCHAT13.ZIP [0] Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fake
| chat program. Quick and easy install in
| CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. No configuration
| file, no maintenance! Shareware $10. Free BBS
| support. Updated for PCboard v15.2.
SML_1294.ZIP [0] Small_Net Echomail Network [FTSC C Small_Net
| Was Created On The Concept Of "Great Things
| Come In Small Packages." - Conferences
| Include: BBS-ADS, Gardening, Travel, Cars,
| Movies & Television, RPG, Alias Chatter,
| Sports, Food, Foreign Language Bicycling,
| Cooking, Parenting, Rainy Days, Pets, Hunting
| & Camping, SCUBA And More!
SN1194.ZIP [0] SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
| November '94 packet - Professional, Quality
| Mail Net, compatible with .Qwk, Front-End, &
| PC Pursuit mail transfers. Designed with BOTH
| the User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged
| the gap between professional and friendly.
| Moderated conferences, Consumer Updates,
| Reviews, & more. Our conferences are Unique,
| Fun, and Informational! Over 270 QUALITY
| Nodes from Canada to Australia
SOI-ENT.ZIP [0] Automated Enter Enhancer for PCB 15.1
SOMANY23.ZIP [0] [PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 2.3 More CD-ROMs
| than drives? Let users request files from
| offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of
| requests; if local, sysop loads requested
| CD's and file is posted as attachment to
| message to user with automatic pack-out after
| sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95)
| Now you can change any thing you like in
| Those PPEs .... Free .
SPELL111.ZIP [0] PCB Spell v1.11 (A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE!) Wow!
| Here is the culmination of work started
| several months ago. This is an online Spell
| Checker for your messages. Easy to install
| simple to use. Users love it. Supports
| Multinodes, Multilanguages, etc. A nominal
| registration fee will go towards supporting
| my education at the University of Utah. Try
| it! You'll never mis-spell another worrd
| aggain. <smile>
SPLASH.ZIP [0] Logon Splash screen replacement with full
| source code
SPORTNET.ZIP [0] Detroit Sportsnet info on joining a free
| local qwk based network.
SRNT1094.ZIP [0] [==SYSOPS== ] Join Sanctified Revolutions
| Mail Network. It is a small net based in
| southern Ontario, and we need more nodes.
| Download this info/application package for
| more info
STP301B.ZIP [0] STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.01 BETA 10/26/94
| PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers to
| view modem diagnostics while on-line!
| Requires PCB 15.1 or 15.2 and small footprint
| USR Courier modem. Multi-node compatible,
| super-easy setup. A truly unique
| troubleshooting tool. 8 new features, also
| includes Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V3.04B.
SUGGEST1.ZIP [0] The Suggestion Box! This isn't your run of
| the mill program here! Full user voting, in
| addition users can add their own Suggestions
| for the rest of your users to vote on. Sysop
| maintenance is nil, and it takes about 20
| seconds to install. Download this today and
| give your users a voice in your BBS!
SWHO12.ZIP [0] SuperWho [PPE] - v1.2 - A fun replacement for
| your PCBoard WHO command that will show fake
| users on your system. Limited only by your
| imagination. Free BBS support for registered
| users! No delays or beg screens. Fully
| functional.
SWP1194.ZIP [0] Join the SweepNet network today! The
| friendliest network discussing the ins and
| outs of Sweepstakes and Contests. Share tips,
| prizes, entry strategies. Use Fidonet
| compatible mailers to exchange messages.
SYSOPCMH.ZIP [0] CMDFILES and HELP files which contain help
| files for sysops on sysop commands 1 through
| 15. Two sets of files are included to make
| either HELP files or CMDFILES based on the
| information in the PCBOARD manual. README.1ST
| for installation instructions.
TABPPE60.ZIP [0] TABPPE60.ZIP v6.0 PPE written to interface
| your PCBoard 15.2 BBS with the True Media's
| 900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
| provides access level upgrades, supports
| PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
| and/or DBase III+ format logging and detailed
| information about the service. Smooth
| seemless interface. Adds to caller notes,
| creates bulletins, and more. Really allows
| this service to work for you !!
TAGGED10.ZIP [0] == TAGGED10.PPE == Version 1.0 Initial
| release of the first program that allows your
| users to keep a database of the files they
| want to download, ONLINE! Your users will
| love you for this new addition.
TAPECM26.ZIP [0] [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.2 or higher. OnLine file
| restoration from Colorado Memory Systems(tm)
| Tape Drive 120 or 250. Restore from tape or
| select from files that exist in the restore
| directory, 6 per session. Add to your
| CMD.LST. Displays tape # in the drive. HB
| Electronics (1994)
| is the most advanced lastcaller for PCBoard
| available. Totally configurable for color and
| display. Optionally lists last DAYS and
| MONTHS! Local call faking, level names, call
| hiding & log truncate. Take your pick from
| any of these fields: Name, Alias, Day o/t
| week, Carrier, Node Level, D/L & U/L Bytes &
| Files, Activity
TECH0195.ZIP [0] TECH-NET Need help with a system, program or
| just want the latest industry scoop? If you
| answered Yes to the above, then download this
| -===========================- Tech-Net is a
| dedicated technical QWK/REP-based E-MAIL
| Network. We are presently expanding and
| looking for both Hubs & Nodes to join our Net!
TGLN1294.ZIP [0] [ The Global-Link Network Inc. ] Electronic
| Bulletin Board System International
| Conference & Mail Network General Vendor
| Support Medical Join This Fast Growing
| Network Today! Available On Planet Connect
| Satellite 12/01/94 Network, Vendor,
| Moderator, New User Information & Application
| Packet
TH-M2C.ZIP [0] Pre-processor that scans your incoming Intern
THEWHO12.ZIP [0] Thewho v1.02b is the most configurable 'WHO'
| replacement out, and you'll love it!
THT39622.ZIP [0] THT CMD396 v2.02 Replacement for the MAIN
| Command prompt for PCB 15.1+ just install
| this PPE in the PCBTEXT Record # 396 and ad
| your Command Prompt to the MAINMENU.CNF file
| upto 4 lines For a Prompt That Will Not
| Scroll When The Enter Key is Pressed. And now
| Two Line Rumour's Builtin !!!!!! Another Free
| PPE from <<THT>>
THTNS202.ZIP [0] THT NewScan v2.02 NewScan PPE for PCB 15.1+
| Replace the N in PCBoard with this Very Small
| PPE. In This Version I added Multiple
| config's for the other Conferences so that
| you can set NewScan Up to the Specific
| Conference that it's being, Now with ONE LINE
| Descriptions <<THT>>
TH_SIG.ZIP [0] TH-SIG is a small PPE to add a .sig to each
| outgoing piece of email and each newspost
| that leaves your system
TICKLE10.ZIP [0] "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.00 - 01/03/95 - (PPL 3.0)
| "Tickle File" is a program that maintains a
| personal database which can contain up to 24
| filenames with a 15 character description.
| Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing their
| database, and flagging file(s) to download
| from the database. These are files they
| wanted during a previous session, but were
| unable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes.
| Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List
TL941027.ZIP [0] TL941027.ZIP v - The TRILINK QWK echo mail
| network update and application file from the
| Home of TRILINK : The Safety Shoppe BBS. If
| you are thinking of joining a simple echo
| mail network, without the hassles of a Front
| Door program and difficult scanners and mail
| tossers, this may be the network for you.
TPASM120.ZIP [0] TPASM - TPA System Manager v1.20 (11-11-94)
| Move/Copy/Swap Conferences for PCBoard 14.5 &
| 15.x with complete TPA area handling. It can
| also handle external files for Doors with the
| addition of a definition file, Sort a range
| of conferences. Will also Edit TPA areas with
| the addition of a definiton file. (Files for
| PCBoard 15.x PSA's are included) ............
| Added new conference *.LST file editing......
| ShareWare by Gary Meeker. ($25 registration)
TSCHAT20.ZIP [0] TSCNET CHAT Version 2.00. (NON-BETA) The
| ultimate chat replacement for PCBoard 15.x!
| 29 User Commands, 17 Sysop Commands, Actions,
| Topics, WHO command, Receives PCBoard
| Broadcasts, Calls users in PCBoard, Channel
| Ownership, One-on-one mode, Fully
| Configurable, Network support, COMM-DRV and
| Fossil Support, will work on ALL nodes.
| Designed by a large BBS for
TSSQF20.ZIP [0] CW-QF v1.0: QuickFiles PPE Ami/X Style
ULPPPE15.ZIP [0] ULP PPE Version 1.5 Beta -Inform your users
| why their upload failed while they are online
| and automatically send them a private message
| letting them know their upload failed, incase
| they are automated
UNI230.ZIP [0] Information on the U'NI-net International
| echomail network. Dossier, Application and
| node listing. accepting applications from BBS
| systems compatible with the .QWK/.REP mail
| method.
USAV98.ZIP [0] USAV98.PPE PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an
| online viewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrote this
| PPE out of frustration after trying to
| install the USADOOR carried on PLANET
| CONNECT. Very beta looking for a few sysops
| to use and input changes for final compile.
USER2AS6.ZIP [0] User2Asc v0.95 - Creates a Comma Delimited
| ASCII file from USERS & USERS.INF files.
| Includes data from Alias, Address, Verify &
| Password PSA's if installed. Fixed length
| lines make easy sorting using QSORT program.
| New /R:Start,End range option, /D:x date
| separator char. Added stripping of NULS
| Includes QB Source. FREEWARE by Gary Meeker
UTCAN13.ZIP [0] ========================= AUTCAN13 - UUCP
| Trashcan ========================= adds
| blocking and tagging ability to pcboards UUCP
| software. Also does taglines. New version
| handles newsgroups and is Compatable with PCB
| 15.1> 15.21. Freeware!!!
VBBS-PCB.ZIP [0] VBBS to PCBoard Conversion tools by J.Azar
| These conversion utilities convert the VBBS
| user database (including Alias, Full
| Addresses, and birthdays) to PCBoard format.
| Also included is the best file area converter
| available. VBBS file areas are converted
| (including extended descriptions) to PCBoard
| format.
VEN-VIEW.ZIP [0] (V) Command Replacement for PCB 15.1+
VEXNOV94.ZIP [0] VexNet Adult Echo Mail Network! QWK Packet
| based Network! We are a small Adult Network
| looking for Nodes & Hubs to join us in some
| "Great" Adult Entertainment! No hassles,
| "FREE" Network with a wide variety of
| Conferences. Download this file and check us
| out!
VSCHO7.ZIP [0] VSCHO7.PPE file will add a display of your
| choice to your (QWK) command. Easy to
| install. You just have to edit display file
| with PCBEDIT.
V_INS100.ZIP [0] [ Install-PPE v1.00 ] This install utility
| used in all Vinyl PPE's is now freeware for
| developers! Automatically installs PPEs into
| PCBTEXT or CMD.LST! Tired of writing install-
| ation procedures or batch files?? then this
| is 4 you! Your users (sysops) will
V_SSC100.ZIP [0] [ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ] Over 6 months
| in development! Emulates *ANY* other chat
| program, Sysop & USER custom colors, next
| generation install (no input required!) and
| best of all... Totally FREEWARE! o Horizontal
| & VERTICAL chat! o Adjustable scroll-back
| buffer
WAITV30.ZIP [0] edragonoftware WAIT.PPE v3.0 - Release
| 01/06/95 This is the ORIGINAL WAIT.PPE!!
| Looking to add some color and
WC110.ZIP [0] [ The Weather Center PPE - v1.10 ] The
| Weather Center PPE allows users to download
| the weather maps and viewer provided by
| Planet Connect Satellite delivery system. It
| provides a nice menu, and allows users to
| download any, or all of the weather map files
| delivered by PC. This version is a minor bug
| fix, and enhancement release. KrystalWare
| Systems
XNAME110.ZIP [0] X-name v1.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and above
| Prompt replacement for the First and Last
| name prompts. Small utility that will
| capitalize the first letter of each name
| while it is being entered. FREEWARE
YSWHAT10.ZIP [0] YOU SAID WHAT! V1.0. We give you the QUOTE
| and you give us the person(s), movie, TV show
| or place. Quote Trivia Door with over 500
| quotes available. DEMO Version, NOT CRIPPLED.
| Written by... Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone,
| (C) 1994
| THEN EVER!!!! NOW Allows you to specify the
| number of header lines to skip! Download
| Counter updates you PCB DIRs with: Downloaded
| Incredibly fast - Runs in Event SPEED